
StarPythons GmbH
Seelandstraße 1a
23569 Lübeck

Phone +49 (0)451 613 23 40
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StarPythons GmbH

in the USA officially represented by Joshua Roberts, MI
Seelandstraße 1a
23569 Lübeck, Germany

Tel: +49 (0)451 613 23 40
Fax. +49 (0)451 613 23 41
German Bloodline - Morelia spilota cheynei

Our Carpet Pythons

Here at StarPythons we´re working with a huge variety of both Carpet Python morphs and pure wild type Carpet Pythons with exclusive lineages. On the one hand side we want to create the most stunning color and pattern mutations out there, while on the other hand we want to conserve as many pure lineages as possible. On these pages we want to focus on the pure side of the hobby. If you want to have a look at some fantastic Carpet Python morphs, please check out that categorie as well, and feel free to have a look at our Carpet Pythons for sale to see what you could add to your collection!

We are working with most subspecies of the Morelia spilota complex like Morelia spilota variegata (Darwin Carpet Python), Morelia spilota spilota (Diamond Python), Morelia spilota cheynei (Jungle Carpet Python), Morelia spilota harrisoni (IJ Carpet Python) or Morelia spilota mcdowelli (Coastal Carpet Python). Morelia bredli completes our impressive collection.

Morelia spilota variegata - Darwin Carpet Python

Morelia spilota variegata - Darwin Carpet Python

Darwin Carpet Pythons, Morelia spilota variegata, inhabit the northern coast of Australia between the Kimberley in the west and the Cape York peninsula in the east...

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Morelia spilota spilota - Diamond Python

Morelia spilota spilota - Diamond Python

Morelia spilota spilota, commonly known as the Diamond Python, inhabit the east coast of Australia between the north-eastern corner of Victoriaand an area approximately 185 miles north of Sydney...

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Morelia spilota cheynei - Jungle Carpet Python

Morelia spilota cheynei - Jungle Carpet Python

Jungle Carpet Pythons are probably the most popular Carpet Pythons. Their main habitat are the beautiful rain forests in north-eastern Queensland, roughly between Cairns and Townsville...

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Morelia spilota harrisoni - Irian Jaya Carpet Python

Morelia spilota harrisoni - Irian Jaya Carpet Python

The "IJ" Carpet Python, Morelia spilota harrisoni, is the only Carpet Python that lives outside of Australia. Their habitat is the Island of New Guinea north of Australia, where this subspecies...

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Morelia spilota mcdowelli - Coastal Carpet Python

Morelia spilota mcdowelli - Coastal Carpet Python

Coastal Carpet Pythons, Morelia spilota mcdowelli, populate a very large area from the northern Cape York Peninsula in Queensland, down the east coast of Australia to the north-easter...

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Morelia bredli - Centralian Carpet Python

Morelia bredli - Centralian Carpet Python

The habitat of Morelia Bredli, also known as the Centralian Python or Centralian Carpet Python, is located around Alice Springs in the south of the Northern Territory...

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